
An Interactive Memoir
Jerry Ross, the Painter

"To be truly lost is to have, in fact, found the Way"

Dec 12, 1979

Dear Jerry and Angela,

              First of all I want to thank you for the beautiful picture of Genessa.  It shows up her dimples so cute, I have it sitting on my dresser.  I was happy to hear she was learning Hebrew.  I hope she likes it.

              I’m looking forward to a holiday luncheon on Friday which will be held for Family Care people and their clients and the social workers. It will be held at the Holiday Inn, and I ordered Turkey.

              The other day Ronnie took me shopping for a new robe which I wear in the evening while watching T.V. It is very comfortable and warm. He has invited me over for Christmas Day.

              I hope you all have a good time for Hanukah and light the candles. I’m sure Genessa will get a big kick out of that.

              I was happy to hear that Jerry is working three jobs and teaching again.  Hope he’ll sell the encyclopedias.  I’ll be looking forward to seeing his newspapers. He was always so good at writing.  Diane seems to have that gift also.

              I hope Jerry keeps up with his painting.

              Thanks Angela, for writing to me, it really was good to hear from you.

              I hope all of  you have a very happy Hanukah.

              Give Genessa a special hug and kiss from her Grandma.

                                           All my love.


P.S. Write soon and let me know the latest.  Keep Well.