
An Interactive Memoir
Jerry Ross, the Painter


City hospital

In the new section:

Saturday noon

Dearest Jeremy & Angela & Genessa,

(note: some paranoid and racist remarks – somewhat delirious after surgery, some “word salad”)

              How are you?  I’m feeling fine for just getting out of surgery yesterday morning.

              After surgery it was very painful & the stupid nurses were not too gentle and in fact they were worse than the City and State (nurses) put together.  Both lie, have no manners and both are mean and vicious.  And they already stole my plastic raincoat even though my name was in it

.              When it came time to bring the bed pan or to change the linens or sheets they were using, they were all snow white but very rough with me and the ordeal was so painful.

              Now I know why I cried and cried & pleaded with the Catholic ambulance driver to take me to any other hospital.  He told me he had orders from the “Big shot crazy doctor” and I’m sure you know her very well, Dr. Olympia.

Now shall we mention the dear Dr. Lady Olympia?

              You see, she thinks that if I skip breakfast without any juice and she gave me lunch at 12:00 nobody would be the wiser but my dear she hasn’t reasoned with me at all.  All she knows when I asked where Sidney is at is that Sidney is in Oregon and that he won’t be back. Also nobody is offering me a home.

              Oh, yes, when he (who?) asked me what party I voted for I said Democratic and then asked what country my father came from I told him at the age of 16 he came from Austria and was a communist all his life.  He was trained to be a cabinet maker and worked for Pierce Arrow. He said “God can’t pay the bills can he?”  He worked all his young life to make all of $15.00 which fed, clothed, pd rent, pd for a phone. Also my mother called “Sara” had a diamond ring,  he also had a diamond stick pin and a gold watch, the best of clothing for him & his children – one named “Harry” who died of diphtheria at 15 months who also is an angel.  Then my Dad named Sam decided to have a baby named “Jeanette.” Geraldine Bushberg.

              You see World War I was going on in 1915 and they weren’t drafting any men with children or dependents.  So I not only saved my Dad’s life but also my Sidney’s life as well because they weren’t sending men to Germany who had any dependents. Remember “Westfield” how Sid bragged about his big junk Crysler saved his life from the great big deer?  Of course he never said Jeanette was sitting beside him did he? 


Xxxxxxxxx  Mom

P.S.  They don’t give a shit about me here.

P.S.  Today is Thursday 1 week since the accident.  I still haven’t moved my bowels even though I told them I needed plenty if fresh fruit and chocolate X-lax instead they are giving me milk of Mag which I hate about 3 times a day with gallons of water.  It’s all because I have to lie still on my back so two smooy young nurses' aids gave me gym therapy. 

              That’s all the news for now except I got my third chest X ray!”