
An Interactive Memoir
Jerry Ross, the Painter

Here is what my mother wrote me while she was still in Buffalo.

“Dear Jerry, Angela, and Genessa,

 Thank you so much for the beautiful birthday card.  Right now I’m home again and I hope it will be for good.  Yes, I flew the coop again.  We received a card and letter yesterday from Dad and he must be in Oregon by now.  I hope so. He seemed to weather the camping out quite well.  I know how happy you all just be to see him and I wish I coukd of gone with him, however there is always a next time.

 The weather here has been quite hot so yesterday Diane and I spent half a day sunning ourselves.  Then we went to the airport to pick up Diane’s friend from England who…” (last part of this letter is lost).

“The weather here is quite mild for Buffalo at this time of the year in the 40 & 50 degrees and all the snow has disappeared.

 I thought Genessa was cute to remark about me being Vice President.

 I hope you all had a nice visit with Sid in his apt.  I was also relieved to hear that he is OK health wise now.  He surprised me by calling me on the phone but he didn’t speak long enough.


So far the living conditions are good, but I’m looking forward to seeing all of you & Sid in the near future.

              I’ll be thinking of you all on the holidays.

              All my love and kisses.

              As Ever,
