
An Interactive Memoir
Jerry Ross, the Painter

My Cousin John Ross

Sue and John

I only recently became aware of the existance of a first cousin, John Ross, and activist and a writer. I had actually known about him from the 1945 photo shown above that my father had shown me when I was a child, but because we never had any contact with Sidney's brother George and his family, I had forgotten about Susan and John.

I will be adding material to this page as I can get to it. Suffice it to say, as a result of the DNA search described in Chapter One, my brother Ron notified me of several DNA matches, one of which turned up Dante Ross, John's son. Some research revealed that John was a well-known author, poet, and human rights activist. Many things in his and my life are very similar. I will elaborate of these later. Meanwhile here is a Wikipedia link for you to read:
